Friday, April 26, 2013

The Man Prayer -- For Our Knights Of Avalon

The Man Prayer -- For Our Knights Of Avalon

"May I be a man . . . .
Whose confidence comes from the depth of my giving.
Who understands that vulnerability is my greatest strength.
Who creates space rather than dominates it.
Who appreciates listening more than knowing.
Who seeks kindness over control.
Who cries when the grief is too much.
Who refuses the slap, the gun, the choke, the insult, the punch.
May I not be afraid to get lost.
May I cherish touch more than performance.
And the experience more than getting there.
May I move slowly, not abruptly.
May I be brave enough to share my fear and shame,
and gather the other men to do the same.
May I stop pretending and open the parts of me that have long been numb.
May I cherish, respect, and love my mother,
and may the resonance of that love translate into loving all women, and all living things."

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