Friday, April 12, 2013

Ecstatically Lost In Eternity

When in Gaura Prema, everyone one sees
becomes transformed into a pure devotee,
for the Spirit of Gaura is the Spirit of Friendship.

Ecstatically Lost in Eternity,
the Primordial Sound Vibrations
vibrate the millions of souls in and out of phenomenal being.

Fed up of being a learned man and an ascetic
par excellence, I shall join
the Kirtan army and run in circles
around the Lord’s soft and reddish lotus heart and hands.

Raising My Arms into the Skies of Bliss,
the worlds spin only to satisfy
the stomping madness of Gaura’s infinite ensouled feet.

Forgetting what the orthodox say about etiquette
and seniority, My Soul publicly exhibits
a number of ecstatic symptoms
for the revival of the Krsna Consciousness Movement.

Rising above the petty worries of the business men
in priestly robes, the authenticity of My Heart
rings louder than the temple’s volume packed bells.

Discerning what is incomprehensible
to the followers of the numerous swamis
and neatly disguised politicians,
Gaura hugs those Mystics
who are genuinely looking for a Way
out of this jungle like material entanglement called Life.

Crying in full devotional surrender
with as much primordial force as an
Ocean’s pressing waves,
the samadhi of devotional service
lifts the Soul to a very high region of consciousness
only to have the Soul come crashing back
down with the intensity of a lion’s roaring laughter.

Almost passing out due to the dizziness
of a jumping and active Heart,
Gaura brings the Spiritual World
down to us by demonstrating the type
of Happiness that is Enjoyed There.

Afraid of never seeing Him Again,
so long as I Live I Will Be Waiting
for Him at the Temple Door.

If He never shows up for this rendezvous
of the Spirit, that is alright with Me
since everyone who visits this Temple
is an Expansion of His Maddening and Ever Delightful Grace.

Until that day is Mine,
Gaurahari bol, Gaurahari bol, Gaurahari bol!
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy

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