Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kingdom Found, Beauty Crowned

Kingdom Found, Beauty Crowned

The following is an original interpretation of the above and below
from Greek genos: race, offspring and from Latin domini: property, lord

It is the realm, field, sphere, or land
Your kingdom is YOUR ALL

It is your entire physical reality... your body...
brothers/sisters ... animals... plants... planets... your universe... your ALL

Your kingdom is that you are all


from Latin fundatus: to lay the groundwork for

It is the basis on which a thing stands, is founded, or is supported
Your foundation is YOU

It is your entire history... your life up to the present moment.... and onwards to the future...
every space... every time... every thought... every emotion... all YOU

Your foundation is that you are here right now


from Latin major: great

It is the glory, the splendor, the epic drama
Your majesty is YOUR MIND

It is your entire concept of intellectuality... your perspective...
ideas... impressions... language... symbols... learnings... your MIND

Your majesty is that you are mind

from Latin victor: to conquer

It is the triumph, the superior, the conquering
Your victory is YOUR EMOTION

It is your entire concept of feelings... your passions... desires...
joy... love... sorrow... hate... anger... sentiments... your EMOTION

Your victory is that you are emotion

Mind and Emotion are absolutely essential to your Foundation (past and future)

Your thoughts and emotions are your reflection
You reflect on your foundation and your kingdom

Your foundation is your actual identity, the here and now for you
Your kingdom is your actual reality, the here and now for all

Crown is Kingdom... Kingdom in Crown... As Above, So Below

Crown your Kingdom... do... act... will...
speak... touch... participate... interact... co-create... build... shine!

Listen to emotions before you listen to your mind
Emotions conquer you... Thoughts glorify you
Your emotional state is truth... Your mental state half-truth..
however, like the mind, emotions can run away on you

Balance your Foundation with Self Glory and Self Defeat

Unite your Foundation with your Kingdom

Wear the Crown of Beauty by DOING

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