Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Inexpressible Oneness Of The Spirit

Falsely fabricating my own schemes of salvation,
the revelations of the Apostles never struck me
as being worthy of contemplation.
Following the treacherous paths of rogues and
self invented messiahs, a beam of error was always logged
in my eyes; preventing me from acknowledging the Truth
that shone in the souls of the most innocent.
Indulging in the dualities of God and in the dualities
of countless churches and sects, the Light of Redemption
was practically shut from view.
Immersed in the inexpressible oneness of the Spirit,
caste and creed is a byproduct of an unthinking Mind
and is meant for those who do not Know Themselves.
Immersed in the inexpressible oneness of the Spirit,
every world is turned upside down and every galaxy
of a Mind floats in the nothingness of a perceived space.
Immersed in the inexpressible oneness of the Spirit,
all desires are of God and from God and all thoughts are
incarnations of the Perfect Platonic Forms of Monadic Unity.
One Spirit in God and One Mind in God,
the vain and lifeless decrees of church officials
bears no weight on the continued and ever lasting turnings
of the Divine Sun around the Compassionate Human Moon.
Void of sensory qualities, the Sons of God have never
departed from the Immortal Kingdom even though
they are presently living in so many
insignificant planetary existences.
Probing through the mazes and labyrinths
of biological life forms, there is no end in sight
to the sensual desires that keeps One and All
distracted from the True Purpose of Life.
Producing One Seed after another in an incessant fashion,
living entities are prone to reproducing themselves
without knowing why.
Not bound by a covenant or by the regulative principles
of a Sound Mind, the soul studies all it can before
it realizes that God cannot be studied.
Thrown into an infinite emptiness where there is
no distinction between Spirit, Soul and Matter,
Faith, Hope and Charity are elementary steps to
something much Vaster and Spiritually Penetrating.
Inwardly formless and outwardly formless,
the veneration of saints and angels is nothing in comparison
to the renovating veneration of the Spirit.
Strengthened by not being weak in my devotional outpourings,
the Formlessness of God is my newly fashioned Spiritual Garment.
Never forsaking this Immensity for the Life of Me,
ignorant folk may label Me as a heretical branch of
the Tree of Life; but the God Within Me is
My Consciousness in Action.
Inexpressible for a reason, may every Son of God
express what is Within Them so that They can Remember
what has Saved Them time and time again.
As a grain of sand and as the Cause of that atomic grain,
My Life’s Purpose is fulfilled whenever I Am able
to Remember Who I Am.
Rich, Merciful, and Eternal,
I Am the Inexpressible Oneness of the Spirit.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy

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