Friday, February 8, 2013

The Sophia Of Jesus Christ

After His sudden disappearance, His twelve holy disciples
and women followers gathered on the mountain of divinatory joy.
Confused over key aspects of the doctrine, ranging from
the foundational causes of the universe to the secret plans
and strategies of the Savior, the Christ made a special appearance
in a form of pure light. Like a great angel that is impossible
to behold, only the pure at heart could see Him in
His perfected form.
At once astonished and full of fear, the Savior said,
“My peace is now yours.” Laughing at them out of sheer
delight, He continued by saying, “What is the cause of your
confusion and what do you continue to search for?”
Philip, interjecting, said, “We wish for you to disclose
the plan of the Logos.”
The Savior responded in the following manner:
“Out of every single soul who was born within the foundation
of this world of dust, many have inquired into the
nature of God; but not one of them has in truth
found Him as He is. The most wise of men have speculated
on the order of the universe and the movements
of the planets, but that form of inquiry has not enabled
them to know the Father. Endlessly disputing whether the
planets are moved by the force of gravity, or by
providence and fate, man has invented so many truths.
Coming from the Infinite Light of the Creator,
I have come here to you to speak of this Light of lights.
Blinded by the shallow wisdom of the turning of the wheels,
this knowledge is given to you because you are
wholly worthy to receive it.”
Curious and contemplative, Matthew stated that the Truth
is found in the Christ who abides in the subtle nature
of the Supreme Object of Truth Everlasting.
Continuing, the Savior proceeded with the rest
of His discourse: “He who is My Father is immaculately clean.
No authority or principle from on high could subjugate Him
and no creature or creation since the beginning of the world
could wish to meekly approach Him. Revealing Himself
only to those who were born in the First Light,
I Am the Great Savior of Eternal Liberation.
He who is born of the womb shall perish and He who
is beginningless will never have to face
any type of ending point. Having no one to respond to,
He remains nameless and is the real giver of names.
Resembling nothing that bears the stamp of finitude,
He surpasses all things in this universe.
Infinite on all sides, He sees nothing but Himself.
Unchangingly Good, He is blessed because of His
faultless nature. He is thus rightfully called
the Father of the Universe.”
Wanting to know more, Philip said, “O Anointed One,
how does He appear to the perfected?”
Pleased with Philip’s statement, the Savior answered thus:
“Embracing the wholeness of that which is made
perfectly whole, nothing embraces Him except for
His own Mind. Being the power of thought, reflection and
rationality, He is the source of that which
is total in its completeness.”
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy

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