Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Homeland Of The Saints

What the Spirit has concealed, That I Am.
What the Spirit has revealed, That I Am.
Making it through the eye of a needle, the righteous
are no longer righteous when the democratization
of the Spirit is plainly denied.
Equalizing God for All of God and turning the
ten commandments into the One commandment
of Universal Devotional Love,
the Spirit’s revelations boils down to the need
to be kind and honest in My Soulful Dealings
with other Members of the Lord’s Body.
Ascending and descending from a cloud of glory,
trusting in the Spirit’s Compassion is
equivalent to unleashing the spontaneity of
the Spirit’s Unfathomable Wisdom whenever I Am
tested by mankind’s follies and displays of genius.
Shy to speak about that which is On High,
what is On High will humble Itself so that
everyone can plainly understand.
Justice is not designed for the success
of just the twelve disciples of Christ,
but is meant to spread to every soul that naturally
breathes in the Recurring Spirit of God.
Everyone being predestined for salvation,
Grace is not Grace if It is selective or prone
to choose One over another.
Incapable of being like a monk of good repute,
may the Lord bring Me out of My Mysterious Position
as a Possessor of the Divine Sound of Mercy.
Riding on lowly animals like Christ and
preaching in the homes of infamous tax collectors,
may the Lord be with Me when I no longer have
the strength to convey to others what the
state of Grace is Like.
Nothing lasting except for the Kindness
which You have Compassionately Infused Into Me,
salvation can be had through Faith, Works, or Love.
Trying everything in the Book, the foolish believe
that Christ is attached to what He said over
two thousand years ago.
Eternally uttering many mysterious sayings and parables,
the workload of Christ is never heavy and is never light,
for the Spirit is what does everything while contemplating
the Miracle of Its Euphoric Conception.
Neither a Witness to the Truth or to Error,
the baby initiate must feed on the external milk like sayings
of the Living Masters; whereas the Graduated Disciples
of the Cross are ready to chew on the meaty Internal
Essence of God Himself.
Whether too old or too young, any Soul can
Touch the Father’s Heart by Touching their own
Internal Throne of Forgiveness.
Working in Faith and for Love, the Grace of Christ
spills out of His Cup and into Mine;
o Bearer of the World’s Pains.
Leaving none behind, I Am exactly like My Father
in that I care not a fig for the defaults
of My expanded and contracted Self.
Taking a pilgrimage to the Homeland of the Saints,
I Am freed from Caesar’s control when I no longer
have to care for Myself.
Tied to God like a tool belt to a waist,
My Soul is repaired when I Am able to freely repair
the Lord’s Instrumental and World Conscious Souls.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
(2013) Julian Colgan

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