Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dr. Robert Cassar And Nick Good Activating Your DNA

Journey's Out of the Body

"The Master then left me and I began to meditate alone. He had informed me that I would now begin an inner journey of the longest duration thus far. I closed my eyes and repeated the passwords of power in my head. The chirping of innumerable crickets and the chiming of many bells sounded in my inner consciousness. My closed eyes quivered momentarily and then they were still. The chirping and chiming sounds merged into one pulsating indrawing tone of delightful sonority, a lifting and a pulling of tonal power that swept my consciousness out of my corporeal body.
"Once more I beheld the spinning vortex of blue light and heard the sublime chord of heavenly music. Within the circle of ovoid globes of radiance I saw the blue eye. I concussed through the eye with a brilliant splintering of minute motes of light, like a body shattering the thin ice of the surface of a frozen lake. Then I was alone in the glorious flower garden that was laid out in five-pointed symmetry, where the oriflammes of each flower shone with the potency of a pearl. Through the sounding fire, the Master showed the way through the celestial spheres."
-- George Arnsby Jones, "The Pilgrimage of James, An Odyssey of Inner Space", Peacehaven Press

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Hidden Name of The Creator in Your DNA

The DNA is composed of 4 elements hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, when put together form Y-H-W-G. Carbon is what makes us physical and earthly beings. When carbon is replaced with nitrogen, we have all colorless, odorless, and invisible gases! They form the letters Y-H-W-H which is the name of God.
The YHWH Code
The mapping of the genetic code, known as DNA, is probably the most important scientific breakthrough of the new millennium. On June 26, 2000, President Clinton and a group of world renowned scientists presented the first genetic map of the human DNA molecule. Clinton called the discovery the “language in which God created life.”
“Mapping the chemical sequences for human DNA — the chemical “letters” that make up the recipe of human life — is a breakthrough that is expected to revolutionize the practice of medicine by paving the way for new drugs and medical therapies,” says one web site. This discovery has lasting physical and spiritual implications. A direct link can easily be found between the building blocks of life and the Creator of the universe. Mankind is fearfully and wonderfully made, with a hidden code within the cell of every life. This code is the alphabet of DNA that spells out the Creator’s name and man’s purpose.
Scientist discovered a “map” of four DNA bases that carry the ability to sustain life. These bases, known as chromosomes, are paired differently for each person. Human DNA contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, made up of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and their acidic counterparts. Encoded within these elements is an amazing blueprint of life that proves the Creator has put His own unique stamp upon every person. This stamp is actually His name as revealed to Moses thousands of years ago.
The secret in our DNA…
It was from the burning bush that the Almighty revealed his character as the great “I AM.” This name is the tetragrammaton of the Hebrew letters yod, hey, waw, hey. “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: `I AM has sent me to you. The Almighty said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, `Y H W H , the mighty one of our fathers… This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation,” Exodus 3:14,15. The Almighty has given us His name as a sign of His existence and an avenue of communication. However, translators have hidden this Hebrew name in English Bibles. In the Scriptures, the Sacred name of YHWH is used whenever the English words “LORD” or “GOD” appear in all capital letters. YHWH is used almost 7,000 times throughout the Bible as the only and unique name of the Mighty One of Israel. Isaiah corroborates this: “I am YHWH; that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, ” Isaiah 42:7. Jeremiah adds his confirmation: “They shall know that my name is YHWH,” in chapter 16 verse 21. While Amos 5:8 says, “YHWH is his name.” The book of Zechariah declares: “In that day there shall be one YHWH, and his name one.” The Creator’s Name is YHWH.
Now, compare this four-lettered name to the four elements that make up human DNA and discover an ancient secret of creation. “The key to translating the code of DNA into a meaningful language is to apply the discovery that converts elements to letters. Based upon their matching values of atomic mass, hydrogen becomes the Hebrew letter Yod (Y), nitrogen becomes the letter Hey (H), oxygen becomes the letter Wav (V or W), and carbon becomes Gimel (G). These substitutions now reveal that the ancient form of YHWH’s name, YHWH, exists as the literal chemistry of our genetic code. Through this bridge between YHWH’s name and the elements of modern science, it now becomes possible to reveal the full mystery and find even greater meaning in the ancient code that lives as each cell of our bodies.
When we substitute modern elements for all four letters of YHWH’s ancient name, we see a result that, at first blush, may be unexpected. Replacing the final H in YHWH with its chemical equivalent of nitrogen, YHWH’s name becomes the elements hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen (HNON) — all colorless, odorless, and invisible gases! In other words, replacing 100 percent of YHWH’s personal name with the elements of this world creates a substance that is an intangible, yet very real form of creation! This is not to suggest that YHWH is simply a wispy gas made of invisible elements. Rather, it’s through the very name that YHWH divulged to Moses over three millennia ago that our world and the foundation of life itself became possible. YHWH tells us that in the form of hydrogen, the single most abundant element of the universe, He is a part of all that has ever been, is, and will be.
Indeed, in the earliest descriptions of YHWH, we are told that He is omnipresent and takes on a form in our world that cannot be seen with our eyes. Thus, He can be known only through His manifestations. The Sepher Yetzirah describes this nonphysical form of YHWH’s presence as the “Breath” of YHWH: “Ten Sefirot of Nothingness: One is the Breath of the Living YHWH, Life of worlds. This is the Holy Breath.”
Additionally, the first chapters of Genesis relate that it is in a nonphysical form that the Creator was present during the time of creation (Genesis 1:2). It was “the spirit of YHWH” that first moved over the face of the earth.
Substituting modern elements for the ancient letters, it is clear that although we share in the first three letters representing 75 percent of our Creator’s name. While the presence of YHWH is the invisible and intangible form of the three gases hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, the last letter of our name is the “stuff” that gives us the color, taste, texture, and sounds of our body: carbon. The one letter that sets us apart from YHWH is also the element that makes us “real” in our world – carbon.
Through both the secret letter codes of antiquity, and the literal translation of DNA as an alphabet, we’re shown that something about our existence remains lasting and eternal. We share that never-ending quality with our Creator through a full seventy-five percent of the elements that define our genetic code,” wrote Gregg Braden in his book The God Code.
In the beginning…
This is scientific proof showing us that YHWH has written His own name upon every human being. Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation) says, “Within the letters is a great, concealed mystical exalted secret… from which everything was created.” His name is within us, encoded into the basic cells of humanity. Every person, regardless of race, religion, sex, or status has the divine imprint inside their body. YHWH’s name is in every person… “there is…one YHWH and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all,” says Ephesians 4:5. The potential of becoming like YHWH is in every person.
Genesis recounts that we have been made “in His image.” In the beginning, the Creator “breathed upon man and he became a living being.” It is this deposit from the heavens, the gift of a soul, that separates us from other species. Inside of each person is the breath of the Creator, known as the soul. In Hebrew, this is called the “neshamah.”
The neshamah is a divine spark of YHWH found within mankind. “Should a person strive towards purity in life, he or she is aided by a holy neshama,” says the Zohar in Genesis 206a. The Scriptures translate “neshamah” as “breath, spirit, and inspiration.” It is the supernal soul of man, which pulls man towards YHWH. Imagine a pure light inside of every person in the world; this is the neshamah. It is totally good and unblemished. The neshamah is the part of YHWH within man. Proverbs 20:27 says, “The neshamah of man is the candle of YHWH, searching all the inward parts of the belly.” Through the neshamah, one may connect to the will, wisdom, and understanding of Yah. How?
The neshamah longs to be reunited with the Almighty. Its only desire is to return to its source; to be reunited in purpose. Each cell of our body, containing the divine name, groans to be reunited with YHWH. But it can’t. Why not? Because of fleshly desires that result in sin. Sin stops the earth suit of the body from fully returning to its starting place with YHWH. The fleshly nature leads us to rebel against the Almighty’s will and His ways. Our soul can not cleave to YHWH because of our fleshly nature and ego. The desire to receive for self alone blocks the light of our neshamah. Our selfish actions are like a huge dark cloth, covering the Light of the Creator. Darkness grows, but the light remains.
Try viewing mankind as an ember from the burning bush. The human body is the container of a divine spark from YHWH. Left alone, this spark will diminish and burn low through seeking pleasure in worldly desires. The false fulfillment of momentary happiness is a darkness that seeks to put out our fire. Each action of the flesh places another layer of darkness upon the light. These layers of darkness are called “sin,” or “chet” in Hebrew. Chet is an ancient word that literally means to “miss the mark, loose focus, stray, miss the goal or path of right and duty, to incur guilt, incur penalty by sin, forfeit.” While many people think that someone who sins is a “bad person,” the Biblical concept is different. We all chet; we all sin; we all miss the mark. That doesn’t make us bad people, we’re just off target! In truth, the Hebrew word “Chet” appears in the Bible (Judges 20:16) referring to slingers who could shoot at a hair and not “chet”, meaning not to “miss the target.” Chet is failure in a person’s relationship with YHWH. Our goal should be to continually move closer to the target of YHWH, but chet causes distance.
Sin is equivalent to “distance.” Our sins distance us from the Light within. “Your sins have separated between you and YHWH, and your chet (sins) have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear,” Isaiah 59:2. Chet is the distance we place between our neshamah and our Creator as we miss the mark of the Scriptures.
Bull’s Eye…
The center of YHWH’s bull’s eye is clearly explained within the pages of the first five books of the Bible. These teachings are often referred to as the “law.” In Hebrew these books of instruction are called “torah.” The Torah is YHWH’s will for mankind and blueprint for living. “The Torah is holy, and the commandments holy, and just, and good,” says Romans 7:12. When we follow Torah we don’t sin. To obey the precepts of Torah is to stay on the straight and narrow road of redemption. A person sins when the Torah is violated or forgotten. The book of First John clarifies this. “Everyone who sins practices torahlessness. Because sin (chet) is torahlessness,” 1 John 3:4. The problem is that we can’t follow Torah enough. The obedience of today doesn’t erase the disobedience of yesterday. Though we obey the Torah, the layers of darkness remain within our soul. This is because Torah does not redeem. Torah describes how the redeemed believer is to live and relate to YHWH. Mankind is redeemed only through YHWH code.
The soul code of DNA links man to YHWH. But, this doesn’t equate mankind to YHWH. We aren’t god. The code shows only our potential – to be like YHWH in our intentions and purpose. We can’t achieve His state of greatness. Just as a flashlight will not work without batteries, our sincere efforts to correct the soul are useless. We just can’t correct our soul enough. We just can’t follow Torah enough. The darkness of chet is too much. Good works can’t dispel total darkness. “Whoever keeps the whole Torah and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it,” says the Newer Testament. Prayer, obedience, and faith bring us closer to YHWH, but without the love of Messiah, we are still in the dark. Messiah is the floodlight that lights up our life.
Moshiach’ love is the bridge that joins our neshamah to our Creator. The Savior is the light that saves us from eternal darkness and suffering. To handle the issue of sin, we must realize that stars are only seen at night. Under the deep darkness of sin is the light of the soul. Hidden in the DNA of every man, woman, and child is the YHWH code. To experience life at its fullest, all one must do is look inside and see the Sacred Name. YHWH is the path to purpose and way to life eternal. YHWH is our only hope. We need YHWH’s salvation to deliver us from evil. Let’s decipher this code and understand man’s redemption.
“Anyone who calls upon the name of YHWH will be saved,” Joel 2:32. This verse is quoted twice in the New Testament, in which both cases the Messiah is seen as fulfillment of this prophecy. The YHWH code is manifest in His Son. His son is the path of deliverance. Calling upon His Name allows the believer to excess the Almighty’s power for deliverance. Appropriately, the true name of Messiah demonstrates how this works…“And you shall call Him Yahshua, for He will save his people from their sins,” says Matthew 1:21.
The Hebrew speaking, King of the Jews was given a Hebrew name. He wasn’t named “Jesus,” but “Yahshua.” In the gospels, the Messiah said that He came in His Father’s name – the name of YHWH. How is YHWH Yahshua’s name?
The name Yahshua is a compound word, made up of two Hebrew phrases. First, YAH is a shortened version of the name of YHWH. The Name YAH is a poetic form of YHWH, found throughout the Psalms. The KJV says, “Sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name YAH, and rejoice before him,” Psalm 68:4. Secondly, “shua” is a Hebrew word meaning to “deliver, turn, save, or salvation.” When these two words are put together, the Savior’s true name is revealed:
“YAH” + “shua” = “YHWH is salvation” = Yahshua
YHWH offers His salvation, His deliverance through the person of Yahshua. Yahshua bridges the gap between YHWH and our souls.
Mankind was made in the image of YHWH. We have His name written upon our very DNA. Scientists have proved that His name is stamped upon every soul. However, because of chet, because of sin, layers of separation distance our soul from our creator. “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of YHWH,” Romans 3:23. Our stubborn self-will causes us to go an independent way. However, because of loving kindness, YHWH has “sent His only begotten son, that whosoever believes upon him would not perish but have everlasting life,” John 3:16. We can connect our neshamah to YHWH though his son, Yahshua. The Savior is the only path to deliverance and salvation from the sinful self. The layers of sin that cloak our neshamah can only be removed through His blood. “As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the children of YHWH, even to those who believe in His name,” John 1:12. The DNA within our bodies points to our Creator and the salvation that He has provided. The YHWH code, within each person, is His son Yahshua.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Illusion of Reality ~ consciousness & quantum theory

The Homeland Of The Saints

What the Spirit has concealed, That I Am.
What the Spirit has revealed, That I Am.
Making it through the eye of a needle, the righteous
are no longer righteous when the democratization
of the Spirit is plainly denied.
Equalizing God for All of God and turning the
ten commandments into the One commandment
of Universal Devotional Love,
the Spirit’s revelations boils down to the need
to be kind and honest in My Soulful Dealings
with other Members of the Lord’s Body.
Ascending and descending from a cloud of glory,
trusting in the Spirit’s Compassion is
equivalent to unleashing the spontaneity of
the Spirit’s Unfathomable Wisdom whenever I Am
tested by mankind’s follies and displays of genius.
Shy to speak about that which is On High,
what is On High will humble Itself so that
everyone can plainly understand.
Justice is not designed for the success
of just the twelve disciples of Christ,
but is meant to spread to every soul that naturally
breathes in the Recurring Spirit of God.
Everyone being predestined for salvation,
Grace is not Grace if It is selective or prone
to choose One over another.
Incapable of being like a monk of good repute,
may the Lord bring Me out of My Mysterious Position
as a Possessor of the Divine Sound of Mercy.
Riding on lowly animals like Christ and
preaching in the homes of infamous tax collectors,
may the Lord be with Me when I no longer have
the strength to convey to others what the
state of Grace is Like.
Nothing lasting except for the Kindness
which You have Compassionately Infused Into Me,
salvation can be had through Faith, Works, or Love.
Trying everything in the Book, the foolish believe
that Christ is attached to what He said over
two thousand years ago.
Eternally uttering many mysterious sayings and parables,
the workload of Christ is never heavy and is never light,
for the Spirit is what does everything while contemplating
the Miracle of Its Euphoric Conception.
Neither a Witness to the Truth or to Error,
the baby initiate must feed on the external milk like sayings
of the Living Masters; whereas the Graduated Disciples
of the Cross are ready to chew on the meaty Internal
Essence of God Himself.
Whether too old or too young, any Soul can
Touch the Father’s Heart by Touching their own
Internal Throne of Forgiveness.
Working in Faith and for Love, the Grace of Christ
spills out of His Cup and into Mine;
o Bearer of the World’s Pains.
Leaving none behind, I Am exactly like My Father
in that I care not a fig for the defaults
of My expanded and contracted Self.
Taking a pilgrimage to the Homeland of the Saints,
I Am freed from Caesar’s control when I no longer
have to care for Myself.
Tied to God like a tool belt to a waist,
My Soul is repaired when I Am able to freely repair
the Lord’s Instrumental and World Conscious Souls.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
(2013) Julian Colgan

Countless are the Worlds -- Many Earths -- Millions of Solar Systems -- Skies Above Skies

Many millions are the skies and solar systems.
Many millions are the moons, the suns and stars.
Many millions are the sources of creation and continents.
Many millions are the jewel containing oceans.
Many times has the universal expanse occurred.
The Lord has strung all the creation in His thread.
His limit no one knows. 
(Adi Granth, Sikh Scriptures of India)
As I watch the bright stars shining, I think a thought of the clef 
 of the universes and of the future. 
A vast similitude interlocks all, 
All spheres, grown, ungrown, small, large, suns, moons, planets,
All distances of place however wide, 
All distances of time, all inanimate forms, 
All souls, all living bodies though they be ever so different, or in 
 different worlds, 
All gaseous, watery, vegetable, mineral processes, the fishes, 
 the brutes,
All nations, colors, barbarisms, civilizations, languages, 
All identities that have existed or may exist on this globe, or 
 any globe, 
All lives and deaths, all of the past, present, future, 
This vast similitude spans them, and always has spann’d, 
And shall forever span them and compactly hold and enclose them. 
Walt Whitman, “On the Beach At Night Alone” (1856)

Understanding How To Use the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a fact of life. Some people are very open to it while others aren't so sure. It goes by many names including positive thinking, the Golden Rule, and even the famous Karma which means what you do to others will come back to you. You may have your own thoughts on the Law of Attraction, but many people just don’t understand what it is or how to make it work for them.

More simply put, the Law of Attraction is anything to which you are attracted or drawn, anything to which you feel a kinship, be it a person, place, animal or thing. Experience teaches us that this would depend on our age and stage in life, our state of being, the silver spoons and blows that life has dealt us. In short there are so many variables that it is practically impossible to put down a Law of Attraction. How often have we sat in the doctor’s office or on a bus and simply felt either attracted to or repelled by a particular person. This is no positive or negative reflection on either you or the other person. It simply means that the person’s energies are vibrating on the same or different frequencies from the other person.

To continue on a positive note, it is to be remembered that if you want a positive outcome, you need to attract what you want into your life by aligning your heart and mind to the outcome of your desire. Do your part though to minimize the damage that will occur. The more positive energy that you show then the more good you will attract from the situation. You will find that your heart and your mind aren't always on the same path, but you do need to find a place where they connect with each other.

If you want to truly benefit from the Law of Attraction, here are some great tips to follow.

Be honest with yourself about your own feelings in your heart and your thoughts in your mind. Think about your future and how you want to feel as well as what you want to accomplish>. Pay attention to those feelings that leave you feeling good as well as those that don’t. You want to make sure you are really focusing on the positive and doing your best to push the negative out of your mind and body. Appreciation for what you already have are positive feelings that will open your heart and creates space for more. These positive feelings will make you more receptive to experiencing a positive Law of Attraction.

Desire is the more positive of the two emotions that will lead to a positive force of attraction. While Need is more negative and is synonymous with feelings of lack. It is therefore necessary to be passionate about your desired outcome, yet at the same time remain light-hearted and unattached.

Focus on the outcome and not how you are going to manage achieve it. This would give you a more positive outlook, whereas focusing on the How would draw your attention to all the potential pitfalls along the way and thereby be a more negative experience. You deserve a lot just by simply being there. This will help you to receive, without feeling beholden to the giver. Conversely, be open to being the giver too.

Act on opportunities that crop up as you experience the law of attraction. Remember that these are stepping-stones to achieving your goals. Seemingly unrelated and inconsequential encounters can have a great significance as you pursue your dreams. Engaging the law of attraction calls for persistence and focus on your goal. In today’s world of instant gratification and microwave popcorn, we need to focus on Persistence while we remember that which comes easiest or fastest is often not the best. Remember “Where there’s vision, there’s a way.”

Last but not least, love yourself first and through that you will love and value yourself and others. This will make your goals more achievable and your success more effortless. Love is a strong vibration that heals. It is your best way to harness the law of attraction in your favor.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Your main job...

By choosing to be authentically grateful for anything in your life, you instantly achieve happiness.  You also overcome any constricting emotions like sadness, frustration, guilt, desperation and fear.  They simply drop when you drop into a body that is flowing with this Divine alive state.  Happiness is a conscious choice that you can make no matter what your circumstances are.  In each moment of your life, no matter what is occurring in your outer world, you can look for the blessing hidden in disguise .  You always have the option to choose to appreciate something about yourself, and can learn to see the brighter side of the road.  What you have or don't have doesn't have to determine your state of happiness.  You can simply choose to feel happy for no reason at all.  It just boils down to the choice the first thing in the morning when you wake up, that you can choose to be an unstoppable loving being filled with appreciation, lightness and compassion...

"Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved."  ~Osho

Friday, February 15, 2013

Dr. Robert Cassar ''you are what you eat, drink, and breath" at the Living Te

The Biggest Missing Piece


Higher self-meditation can be achieved by any you through accurate understanding and correct practice. The foundation of meditation mastery is to communicate utilizing all six senses as you. This will take some time and practice so it’s more practical to work you by you. First you need to develop tools for observation which will strengthen your channels. Doing so will help the receiver understand your intentions. It’s important to express your own distinct voice and intention to the world of prana which is everywhere. It runs through all things including you and me; it is consciousness in itself.  The union between self and energy provides spiritual vision benefits including the ability to speak to higher self.


This segment will teach the basics of speaking and listening through the navel chakra. In addition you will understand the body’s language and overall feeling overtime. However, you are constantly aware and observance of all expressions and forms no matter how subtle. The expressions and forms are seen with more than just the third eye but with the inner ear as well. You should observe these expressions and forms objectively and thus recognize the shifts and responses. Control and refinement will be the key to your success to identity expressions. These expressions influence while communication is the act of listening. The objective mindset on the other hand is created by the mind and observation. The last tool, the imagination, is used for clues and ideas in what it seeks. The overall practice of meditation is to understand with intention. Our bodies interpret the information thereafter sensations are then transported to the rational mind which creates a mind-body connection.  The body acts as radar in constant communication with everything whereas the mind expands into consciousness, unconsciousness, and subconscious. As you may know, consciousness exists everywhere, therefore are no limits to where you can go. You can bring your mind into your body to get a better understanding of the sensations. In these situations, getting the bigger picture of several impressions can provide a good understanding of the energy. In other activities one may practice mindful eating, competing, and reading to get the most out of an activity. This would mean getting out of your head and trying ordinary activities at a new angle. It important to listen and asks your body to get a sense of where your body is and where it needs to go. New understanding of your mind and body integration is just as important as the meditation itself. The memory works best in long uninterrupted intervals and takes short breaks in between to allow information to sink in. Sleep is also a significance benefactor in this case as a good night of sleep will record a day’s work. Both theoretical and practical understanding is essential to truly mastering an art. However practical understanding is like getting thrown into a cold river rather than theorizing its implications. Therefore practical understanding requires much more emphasis than theoretical work as theorizing every scenario is not practical. Instead the body develops instinctual habits to counter most scenarios as opposed to an untrained body. Keep not that being mindful is equally as important as integrating the practice into your muscle memory. This meditation practice must also not be mechanical, hence do not stick to one path or set expectations Doing so may block other paths or diminish your enthusiasm so be constantly on the lookout without judging what ought to be. In time, the path to mastery becomes completely logical when you gain the tools necessary to venture further. One tool made available is the ability to create stillness. You may use visualization, mantras, and other methods in the beginning to create stillness. This is because it may interfere with the receiver as if you’re speaking over a person. Once stillness is created, the receiver will invites you to move into their sphere of expression and influence through the awareness of understanding. Gauge one form from another through greater focus creating additional stillness. Your mind may be constantly stretched but you will get use to it through continuous practice. One’s recognition and responses are quickly attained over speaking at first.  Here, becoming more sensitive to specific energies when learning to speak. However when listening, listen with strong intention and the more you will understand. If progress eludes one goes back to the basics mentioned before and re-establish a stronger connection.  Strength and true power only comes through intensity and persistence. You will become the master when harnessing all your tools at will. Tapping into the energy promotes inner strength.

To do so, the mind must be sensitive and alert at all times. By speaking to higher self you increase one’s metaphysical experience and inner peace. You will have the perception of calm and stillness despite the chaos that may surrounds you. However, you must know what your intentions are and not to repress anything that comes forth. This is because a mind on autopilot is a dead mechanical practice. Ironically, the stillness you create will add to the liveliness of the practice. When still, expressions can come in many forms. For example, the navel can feel our hands or even have our hands felt the navel; the combinations are limitless. Keep looking and you will find the universe contained in each part of the body. All organs have separate function yet hold one unified goal of living. If you find your mind aloof or bored don’t worry it’ll come with time and practice just like anything else. The practice and one’s intention will allow the body’s energy to cycle and accumulate overtime. But, you must be aware of areas which require more practice. Ask and focus on the questions what does it feel like to be unclear? Then observe objectively. This objectivity becomes your way to express which is to gain influence. Once you tap into higher self you transcend previous knowledge and powers. Without such perception, the connection will not exist. The navel chakra will be your storage area which is located three finger widths below the belly button.

One builds energy by expanding their breath with fully body breathing. In addition imagine air running through your stomach to intensify the experience. Doing so will allow you to connect to a specific expression. In combination with your imagination, you will be able to define clarity and ideas of strengths. Building this energy is like placing pieces in a puzzle so is patience. You will become sensitive overtime to influence. You will discover depth as a powerful ally to your tools. However focus and energy precede this requiring listening and opening up. The intention to explore, listen, and understand is significance here. The technique is you thing but it is another to develop the way of communicating when you can. So have fun with it and try different ways of speaking to higher self. Focus into places of the body you haven`t been to and hold the mind in you place. In doing so, you will develop the ability to influence and express energy.  When these tools are on your side you may develop them in any way you wish. If you find you have scattered emotion and impulsiveness do not worry just bring your mind back to you place and you will develop overtime. . As you enter deeper levels of stillness you consciousness will continue to expand. Focusing on different subtle energy will shape your mind in no time. Thereafter specify these areas of feeling. This will take much work developing perception and clarity. Without gaining perspective you gain only part of the picture. Once you gain control you gain mastery to connect to other stronger channels. This requires emotional mastery as the emotion affects the mind thus the mind must tame the emotions. By supporting rather than fighting it you fuel you are helping achieve your goals at the same time. At the same time when you are observing physical sensation objectively you create forms of non-struggle establishing inner peace. Accept this moment as a state of eternity. But remember there are no set rules to this practice as everyone is coming at it at a different angle and needs to master themselves. So allow struggling energy to come as is and do not denote it as your fault, flip the switch on the energy. Just move with the tide, listen and communicate with it, but do not allow it to make you think you are crashing. Your imagination can steer the ship creating new ideas to base it upon instead of letting the tide take you. This gives shape to your goals and creates a map you can use to navigate to sea with. However developing and refining is the key to gaining the map and flow of sea so be patience. You may find if you practice is too assertive it will be too rigid for the tide to follow so be more flexible. Instead think of it like fishing just observe how the ball of energy is received by the fish and wait for opportunities to feel the sensation spoken through the fish’s behavior. This method will increase your senses that have been dulled over the years. Just continue to observe the navel center and find a spot to most stimulating to you. Total concentration is needed here as you are working in an entirely different reality of communication. When your imagination penetrates these realms do not try to deceive the mind and senses but rather find impressions that match you. Allow the inner critic to just be and view objectively. Like a scientist watching under the microscope you must perceive without adding your own emotions to the equation.

In quantum physics it is known that that which is observe often changes shape to one’s focus. Experiences have been done in cold fusion experience where each Scientist came up with a different answer while performing the same test. This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “seeing it at another angle” as some get trapped in a cycle releasing energy. However, if you use your imagination without stressing think of the energy you will conserve for your future voyages. To expand into the further reaches of your universe continue to seek and observe new opportunities. More importantly however, you must use your imagination to attune to what stronger energy may feel like. Just like a vision you must picture and imagine what you want but do not worry if your vision takes you astray at first. Know what you want entirely and it will slowly manifest in this denser world.

To Summarize

Hands on Navel storage area (located three finger widths below the belly button)
Full Body Breathing
Imagine air running through your stomach as you inhale and exhale
Observe  objectively and create stillness
Create greater stillness
Gain influence over the conversation

*Note you can listen and download navel chakra meditation off
youtube or record a meditation yourself repeating the mantras observes objectively in soft voice.

The two factors emphasized here are intelligences and communication. Intelligences are perception. Do not perceive intelligences on society’s standards or the path will be narrow and filled with doubt. Every human contains an intelligences within themselves it is all a matter of turning on the switch. Even so, feeding your fears drains energy levels severely when it could be reserved for more useful matters.  Pass this point nothing can stop your ascent towards the realization and mastery of self; mistakes are illusions of failure. But one should conjure an idea of what mastery means to set a path one can use as an indicator. This may be entirely differently from what mastery is perceived as in your culture’s space. Mastery to me is about getting up after falling over and over again. Secondly, your limiting beliefs need to be understood and verify as to where their essences spawns from. This journey requires nothing more than the self and a clean slate mind state as abstract and concrete baggage may hinder your highest achievements.  Let them go and observe objectively, the practice of meditation can be perceived as simple but becomes rigid if one doesn’t expand to new heights. So be sure to tap into the familiar but also take the time to explore new territories. True wisdom comes through acting and understanding new areas of consciousness by removing any previous assumptions.  Society often makes assumption through extrapolating past data to predict the future. This cannot be truly known until a cosmic can senses and intertwine with their destiny future. By placing your focus in one place your emotions will follow suite rather than drag you behind. In time, the ability will become refine and other pursuits will become easier; as long as you keep it simple at each level. But here’s the catch, to gain control we must give up control. As mentioned before, Individuals may base their actions on previous assumptions to avoid uncertainty which often gets them into more trouble. Meditators see things in a clean slate state of mind but also observe before intervening.

Try taking a step back and practice emptying the mind first before attempting to fill the mind.  Higher self can seems difficult to attain if these basic tools are not refined. Recall that perception and awareness are always your first basic tools, before language and communication. Continue to observe and recognize all subtle energy that springs forth. In time, the information will slowly integrate if you were not able to process it all at once. Just work on building a strong foundation of tools and relax to allow the information to sink in.  When learning inner communication, new information will cause a reaction in new places on the body.  Try not to be startled and let this new energy be no matter how it feels. It is important to keep calm under all circumstances to allow your filters to process the information.  To do this, practice balance between comfort and discomfort in daily life. The mind can be a little child at times, but no matter what be accepting of it to persevere.  When you stomp or hide a problem it comes back even stronger. Accepting it will provide clarity into diminishing its effects on you. You’ll find just by observing and accepting that on the other side of hate is joy and love. Tap into the hate and allow yourself to be sensitive; as that’s what the emotions are there for.  Become a part of the energy and truly understand how to express yourself accurately.  Your mind might play tricks on you but you can imagine a different pathway around the obstacle.  This will take some time and effort as you’re starting to personalize the practice so be patience. As a beginner, you’ll have the insufficient knowledge which is fine as long as keep your intention strong.  Your awareness should constantly be on the lookout for bigger and better adventures as the mind tends to relax when progress is achieved. Constant effort and practice will keep the mind shape and without decay. Without constant expansion you may miss important cues and opening to higher self. Mental chatter can be problematic when attempting to listen to the higher self. You have to find something to focus on and direct your complete attention to.  Use your imagination to find a state of absolute focus. If mental chatter does not go away do not try to suppress it as what you resist persist. Another problem that may arise is endurance issues which too can be reprogramed by your imagination. The mind cannot perceive the different between fantasy and reality; that’s the beauty of it. So if you imagine yourself a yogi who has been practicing for thousands of years then guess what you become the yogi.
This will elevate you to new heights by allowing you to perceive new forms and states. Another obstacle one may come is the thought of practicing incorrectly. This is because the practice may seem allusive, mundane, or not spiritually sensation at the time.  This happens to everyone at some point, beginner or master, it is essentially an allusion. Remember, when working with the navel chakra it tunes into the physical. This means that one may convert all higher forms of energy into something malleable; especially when well grounded. The grounding technique used here involves imagining a cord reaching to the center of the earth before and after the practice for about 5 minutes. You will notice that the practice will have a greater impact on you even long after it has been completed. Going to the navel, as you may know this is a storage unit for prana, chi,etc. It has also been known to be used in healing practices too. You will not feel burnt out using this chakra as other higher chakras tend to cause issues when misused like depression, anxiety, and confusion. Instead start from the physical as we know it best and given the ability to listen will provide 1000s of doors to choose from. Place the hand over the third eye sometime during the practice and notice the energy pulsating. This is a common test meaning you should be looking for subtle even if it takes a practice or two. Then bring your higher self into your body part of that sensation.

When mind and body connection becomes unlocked, the higher self-arises. It is a lot like having a person of similar character in your head providing guidance towards diminishing everyday challenges.  When you have reached this far, observe the body and mind connection to enhance it. You have now broken away from set systems of cages and are free to follow your own intuition. When the way is unclear you may use affirmations like “clear clarity” or ask your higher self questions. I have also found this a useful tactic for those lucid dreamers out there when a dream becomes blurry. When regarding the posture of meditation it is better to be comfortable than to be in pain. Lying down, kneeing (master mediation), and traditional meditation depends on your comfort level. However, being too comfortable has its consequences as one lying down may fall below beta levels. This ends the practice as one is no longer mindful of the energies around him and has stepped out into another plane of existences.