Thursday, March 14, 2013

two kabbalistic affirmations/meditations

From "the gift of kabbalah"
Keter: I am a spark of God. My essence is Divine.
Chochmah: I emerged from the wild creativity of existence - I am a path worth risking everything for.
Binah: My being - body, mind, and spirit - is aligned with the patterning of the universe. I am a temple for my Divine soul.
Da'at:  I am a seeker of higher Divine unity through my mind.
Chesed: I am in touch with the support of the universe, the unconditional love of God.
Gevurah: My limitations and challenges are Divine gifts.
Tiferet: I am a free being, choosing to align my will with God's will.
Netzach: I am a giver, wholeheartedly contributing my effort to creating the world by tending my little part of the universe.
Hod: I am grateful, appreciating and honoring the work of others.
Yesod: I am a channel of transmission, gathering and passing on all that comes to and through me for the good, to other living beings and to the next generation.
Malkuth: I am a part of the greater whole, joining with all other beings to express gratitude and praise to the Creator of the universe.
Keter: Master of the universe, may Your Will be done.
Chochmah: This world is being infused with Divine intent at every moment.
Binah: Every pattern of design I see is an aspect of Divine reality, revealing itself to me.
Da'at: The path of unification is open to me at any moment by settling my mind.
Chesed: I join the outpouring of Divine love by performing acts of chesed and thinking kind thoughts.
Gevurah: What happens is all from the Creator. Now I have an opportunity to re-examine my connection to my spiritual path.
Tiferet: God connects to the world through me; my purpose on earth is being fulfilled even though that may not be apparent to me.
Netzach: My creativity is valued and cherished in the ultimate scheme of Divine unfolding.
Hod: I am willing to sacrifice my personal desires for the general good and for the glory of the Divine.
Yesod: God is the Master of time, Creator of coincidences, and Lord of history - whether I can see it or not, there is an evolving design. 
Malkhut: God's will is manifest right here and now; everything is exactly as it is supposed to be.

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