Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Dream of all there is...

The one that is all, and the all that is The One.
From your diamond pris-matic, light Phoenix soul
was born the life of all that is, was and always will be
you breathe brought life into each partical of light
as it flowed forth form your core of light

Blue eyes folowed the flowing energy, growing
the turning to matter, form and self
as each spark turn into a soul
and each soul dream their reality to being

Watched in anticipation, waiting to see if
the energy send out in love, and hope, would
remember where they began
If the ones dreamed from her light soul
will return the love, the light and the blessing

Mother, she is called, the mother that feed
us the energy we crave from her very soul
Do we understand the love she so freely give?
Do we show our apreciation to her?
Do we realise that without her, would we be?

Your soul have brought us life, and we are your hope
Thank thee, Mother of all, and all of the Mother,
for without your dream, I would never be...
Written by anush

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