Saturday, March 30, 2013

Meetings with Remarkable Men

A Brilliant Movie based upon George Ivanovich Gurdjieff's book Meetings with Remarkable Men that is basically a recounting of his early life and influences as a child and later adventures in Central Asia in search for secret esoteric schools and enlightenment. Directed by Peter Brook.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Coming and going...

When you want something to happen in your life you have to be open to the change... There will be changes that have to happen for the things you want to come into your life and the situations will come up to change you. Be open to the changes after all your asking for the them. You can fight it and make it more painful or go with the changes life is giving you understanding what and why it's happening. If your wanting something, your asking for a change to happen and change means something is coming and going from your life...

Each soul is different...

The shape of each soul is different. There is a secret destiny for each person. We need to return to the solitude within to find again the dream that lives at the hearth of the soul. ~ John O'Donohue

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Gods gifts of will...

As you say prayers or affirmations, always believe that you are using your own but God-given powers to heal yourself or others. Ask Gods aid, but realize that you yourself, as His beloved child, are employing Gods gifts of will, emotion, and reason to solve all difficult problems problems of life....

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It is time to stop...

“It is time to stop deluding ourselves by thinking that it is possible to be independent. It is not. This is an interdependent universe. So, instead of forcing yourself to do everything alone (especially the things that you don’t like doing) let people who love to do those things, do those things! This society will become much more functional when we are only doing what we love to do. Some of us love accounting. Some of us hate accounting. Some of us love counseling people; some of us hate counseling people. So let those who love accounting, do the accounting. Let those who love counseling people do the counseling. It’s time to let yourself off the hook!”
-Teal Scott-

Monday, March 25, 2013


The Great Work Begins Here...Our Way into the Future!

 Every human being participates in alchemy, whether in a conscious manner (through the intentional perfection and manifesting of one's higher nature) or through the tumult and suffering of worldly experiences that finally lead to increased spiritual awareness. 

"It is not the object of these pages to furnish proof to the skeptic of the truth of alchemy, nor to offer arguments so the incredulous may believe in its possibility. To force belief in a thing of which one has no knowledge or experience would be of little real benefit. But those who have had a mystical experience or witnessed the processes of alchemy in their own lives may receive real benefit from working with this material."(Franz Hartmann in Alchemy)

Modern archeologists have proven that the holy temples of Egypt and the cathedrals of the Middle Ages were based on human proportions and designed to symbolically represent man. In fact, the human form embodied in sacred architecture is symbolic of the Perfected Man...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Choose “Life”!

From the
“Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family, choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers.
Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends.
Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchased in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life.
I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who need reasons when you’ve got heroin?” (Trainspotting)
Does the the opium of your Buddhist philosophy maintain your comfort zone and keep you in good cheer and positive spirit? Does your Zazen provide you a sense of well-being through neurochemical whiz-bangs? Does your Advaita make you feel special and raise you above the quiet desperation of the ignorant masses? Does your meditation, meticulously scheduled-in twice daily, help medicate you from the meaningless rigors of your mindless middle class, status-quo existence? Does your particular brand of Christianity help cope with your continued participation in vacuous and insipid social games that you sometimes sense are absurd and pointless? Are your spiritual retreats sprinkled with love and camaraderie?

As the beloved guru was claiming that we must “serenely mirror the divine love of the universe,” and that we must “engage the world exclusively through universal compassion and unconditional love,” I looked out the side window to observe a cat shred a bird to pieces, devouring each piece then vomiting up the bones and feathers, only to lightly prance off into the trees, tra la la la la….

Does the cat not know of this "divine love"? Where is its “compassion” and “unconditional love”? Nature couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your dreams, goals and desires. Nature essentially shits on your spiritual aspirations and practices. Nature doesn’t care if you’re satisfied, discontent or kumbaya happy. Nature doesn’t give a spit about “you” and you are an integral part of it, regardless of silly ideas and activities you employ to generate a belief of extracting your “self.”

If you are not nauseatingly depressed and morose. If you’re not discouraged, disgusted and disenchanted with every choice you have made, thus realizing every future choice can only mirror that same fucking generic futility, then you’re still hypnotized by the invisible jewels of your egocentric conditioning and aren’t even close to the truth of your confinement.

Therefore, you can only choose “life."

It does seem that when you finally reach a point in which nothing gives relief, then you can count on breaking through. Unfortunately, egocentrics struggle mightily against this natural current and it may take years to get to that point, if you get it at all. But that doesn’t matter because it’s not something you choose. Mostly, though, you will choose “life” in an attempt to find a way out of the massive sinkhole of despair you have serendipitously dropped into, but when no further ropes are available for which to climb out, then be of good cheer, for you are almost “’there” (from which you learn you’ve gottin’ nowhere at all and what a “happy” day that’ll be).

Alas, until then, egocentrics MUST choose “life” for no reason at all, except that its really no different than heroin.

Or you can choose something else…

…and very few will ever do that.

Artwork by Sean Donaldson - "Clyde The Evil Cat"


  1. What if the 'breaking through' never happens though? Isn't that just another 'pot of gold at the end of - I might say, quite a masochistic - rainbow'? I'm probably missing the point (I'm really good at this, I've found) but why not just try to get as much enjoyment out of life as you possibly can? I guess be a hedonist, in moderation, and try not harm others if you can (in the final analysis if you want to be brutal, I guess because hurting others feels bad, for most humans). There have been times were I've felt I couldn't ever enjoy anything again, and they passed. Was this a blessing or a curse, I don't know, but it feels like the former in comparison. It's a losing battle looked at one way, but saying 'Fuck it! Bring on the misery!' would only seem to make sense to me if there was some sort of pay-off imagined at the 'end' (very egocentric of me, I suppose). I realise you imply that nothing will have changed in fact, though. I won't pretend to be able to wrap my head around that kind of thing but it tallies with stuff I've heard others, who I for what ever reason do tend to trust, say. Fully expecting to have missed the point here by the way. I liked someone else's comment on your Life Attract blog, ''hello I'm ... and I'm insane.'' I should have introduced myself in the same way, as a caveat. That was a great post on there by the way, that made more sense to me. The whole 'forgetting and remembering' motif strikes a deep chord in me, and for some reason I have the faith (usually) that we all do get to remember in the 'end' (possibility of being a comforting belief or particularly vivid acid flashbacks permitted) ...... So maybe I agree! I forget....
  2. I guess the point, not necessarily emphasized in this particular post, is that there is no choice, because there is no free-will from which to choose, even though it certainly seems that way.

    Hence, it seems that you're a bit farther along in this respect. Not your choice, but there it is nonetheless.

    So, in that regard, why not get as much enjoyment out of life as you can?

    I see no reason not to...

  3. Thanks Mike, I don't know about being farther along, in fact I highly doubt it with my mind - it's absolutely all over the place sometimes. But as you I'm sure you well know there's an awful lot of beauty and awe along the way as well as all the bad stuff in this life. Often it's just our minds that are creating the terrible scenarios we seem to be living in, and we ignore the simple pleasures that can be had (you're right there seems to be no choice in whether we do this or not though). Last recommendation I will make, but have you encountered Peter Brown ( I think you might like his talks. Not you're average Californian 'guru', I can assure you! You might resonate, you might not. :) Thanks, keep 'em coming, always interesting to say the least!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Science of Energy and Thought. Subconscious Mind Power

A scientific approach explaining the power of thoght. We have all heard before, 'Your thoughts create your reality'. Well, new quantum physics studies support this idea.

Learn about recent research about how the mind can influence the behavior of subatomic particles and physical matter. If you enjoy the video, please pass it on to friends and family.

The power of our thoughts and feelings allows us to manifest our desires. The challenge is in harnessing our ever shifting perspectives so that we can focus upon the thoughts that can make a positive difference.

Working with our thoughts consciously allows our awareness and experience of life to unfold its potential. The key is to be open to change and express ourselves from a higher perspective on life. 

Our past is but a memory and the future is in our imagination, right now in the present moment is our true point of power.

Dr. Joseph Murphy's book on the power of the Subconscious Mind is a practical guide to understand and learn to use the incredible powers you possess within you.

“By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the quality of your Light. You determine the effects that you will have upon others, and the nature of the experience of your life.” -Gary Zukav

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Dream of all there is...

The one that is all, and the all that is The One.
From your diamond pris-matic, light Phoenix soul
was born the life of all that is, was and always will be
you breathe brought life into each partical of light
as it flowed forth form your core of light

Blue eyes folowed the flowing energy, growing
the turning to matter, form and self
as each spark turn into a soul
and each soul dream their reality to being

Watched in anticipation, waiting to see if
the energy send out in love, and hope, would
remember where they began
If the ones dreamed from her light soul
will return the love, the light and the blessing

Mother, she is called, the mother that feed
us the energy we crave from her very soul
Do we understand the love she so freely give?
Do we show our apreciation to her?
Do we realise that without her, would we be?

Your soul have brought us life, and we are your hope
Thank thee, Mother of all, and all of the Mother,
for without your dream, I would never be...
Written by anush

Thursday, March 14, 2013

two kabbalistic affirmations/meditations

From "the gift of kabbalah"
Keter: I am a spark of God. My essence is Divine.
Chochmah: I emerged from the wild creativity of existence - I am a path worth risking everything for.
Binah: My being - body, mind, and spirit - is aligned with the patterning of the universe. I am a temple for my Divine soul.
Da'at:  I am a seeker of higher Divine unity through my mind.
Chesed: I am in touch with the support of the universe, the unconditional love of God.
Gevurah: My limitations and challenges are Divine gifts.
Tiferet: I am a free being, choosing to align my will with God's will.
Netzach: I am a giver, wholeheartedly contributing my effort to creating the world by tending my little part of the universe.
Hod: I am grateful, appreciating and honoring the work of others.
Yesod: I am a channel of transmission, gathering and passing on all that comes to and through me for the good, to other living beings and to the next generation.
Malkuth: I am a part of the greater whole, joining with all other beings to express gratitude and praise to the Creator of the universe.
Keter: Master of the universe, may Your Will be done.
Chochmah: This world is being infused with Divine intent at every moment.
Binah: Every pattern of design I see is an aspect of Divine reality, revealing itself to me.
Da'at: The path of unification is open to me at any moment by settling my mind.
Chesed: I join the outpouring of Divine love by performing acts of chesed and thinking kind thoughts.
Gevurah: What happens is all from the Creator. Now I have an opportunity to re-examine my connection to my spiritual path.
Tiferet: God connects to the world through me; my purpose on earth is being fulfilled even though that may not be apparent to me.
Netzach: My creativity is valued and cherished in the ultimate scheme of Divine unfolding.
Hod: I am willing to sacrifice my personal desires for the general good and for the glory of the Divine.
Yesod: God is the Master of time, Creator of coincidences, and Lord of history - whether I can see it or not, there is an evolving design. 
Malkhut: God's will is manifest right here and now; everything is exactly as it is supposed to be.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Stop Hurting!

Never have your feelings hurt again...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Culture Is Not Your Friend

Terence McKenna on the impact of culture on our lives. Taken from a lecture called "Psychedelics In The Age Of Intelligent Machines" (27 April 1999 - Seattle). Created by Omega Point.

“We are told 'no', we're unimportant, we're peripheral. 'Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.' And then you're a player, you don't want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.” -Terence McKenna

Your Indoctrination

“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.” -Plato (427–347 BC)

“We are not taught to be thinkers, but reflectors of our culture. Let's teach our children to be thinkers.” -Jacque Fresco

Michael Talbot - Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Both fear and faith...

“Both fear and faith demand that you believe in something that you cannot see. You cannot see it, because it does not yet exist. And so the question to ask yourself is: what do I want to believe in? The worst case scenario, or the best?”

Why it takes longer...

“There are only two reasons why you would experience a delay in the manifestation of what you desire. Either the frequencies of the dominant thoughts that you are practicing are not a match to the frequency of your desire. Or, what you think you want is not actually what you do want. If this is the case, the universe becomes the vibration of your ACTUAL desires; and you, in your temporary confusion will wonder why nothing you achieve, causes you to feel joy. It is because you are lining up with what you THINK you want. Not what you actually want. When this is the case, we are not in alignment with our eternal selves and thus, we are not in alignment with the universe at large”

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It's Leap Time...

The world is waking up. Different from the gradual process of steady change that has always been, it is a leap in evolution that begins as a monumental shift of perception.
Your state of consciousness determines your perception, the personal lens through which you view and interpret the information you call reality. As you navigate this site, you will filter every word, phrase and image through that lens, assigning meaning and assessing value. How, then, do you get outside yourself enough to achieve the elusive shift of perception required for genuine change?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Be in a I want to Mood...

“When you put anything into the category of “something I have to do”, it becomes hard to do. It becomes hard to do because you have added resistance to the thought of accomplishing it. You are no longer doing that thing from a place of alignment. You are no longer doing that thing as a result of inspiration and desire; and so the energy with which to accomplish that thing, is simply not available to you. Money often comes hard for people because they have put money in the category of something they “have to do” instead of something they “want to do”. So the moral of the story is: Seek out any thoughts that help you develop desire and inspiration towards the things you wish to accomplish, and they will come easier. Replace “I have to” with “I get to” or “I’m excited to” in your every day vocabulary”