Sunday, September 8, 2013

Roses Bloom

The roses bloom so beautifully because they are not trying to become lotuses.
All effort is futile. You have to be just yourself." ~Osho

Saturday, September 7, 2013

People are like stained-glass windows

"People are like stained-glass windows,

they sparkle and shine when the sun is out,

but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty

is revealed only if there is a light from within."

~ Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Trying to satisfy the Ego

"Misery and despair is what is left after you have gone through all the trouble of trying to satisfy the Ego with money, knowledge, things, and power, only to find that the Lower Self can never be satisfied." ~Babaji

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Your voice commands your mind, body and spirit....

Don't waste your life....

"Don't waste your life for that which is going to be taken away. Trust life. Trust God. If you trust, only then can you drop your knowledge, only then can you put your mind aside. And with trust, something immense opens up. Then this life is no longer ordinary life, it becomes full of God, overflowing." ~Osho

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cain's Soul and Asenat's Love

Cain was Adam's first son. His name means in Hebrew “acquired.” Indeed, He did acquire two things in his life. Cain acquired a holy daughter of God’s/the Creator’s love, and God’s/the Creator’s protection from physical harm. This story will tell of Cain’s, and his first reincarnation’s, which was Judas’, life, and the daughter’s love for the beings who carried his soul in addition to how her own soul and heart followed that soul for many lifetimes to the present.
Cain was the first fallen and taken in by the Darkness for slaying his brother, Abel. But, Asenat, before this was her name, in her spirit form called out to God/the Creator, her father to save him. God/the Creator could not save all of Cain, but God/the creator saved Cain’s heart and some of his soul from being consumed by the Darkness by giving Cain a sign to protect. The sign was a mark of a fish on his head and a mark of water above his eyes as barriers against physical harm and for others to know that Cain was protected. After sometime, Cain died from a fever from eating a poisonous plant which its name was lost to time.
After he died, Cain's soul went forward in time and Cain was reincarnated as Judas. Judas’ life as Cain forgotten, but his heart and soul sought to right that wrong of the past. There were only three that knew what it was. They were Cain’s/Judas’ soul and heart, God/the Creator, and Asenat’s heart and soul. Unknowingly, he was led to Jesus by God/the Creator and there met Jesus' sister, Asenat. Her name means "devoted to the goddess Neith" and she was an enlightened one indeed. ? was younger than Jesus, but still around the same age as him. 
When Jesus went into the desert, she went with him. Asenat watched patiently as Satan tempted her brother each day they were in the desert. Until on the last day, she could not take it anymore and called out to Satan. Asenat told Satan, who was once Lucifer, the second fallen one of Darkness because Cain was the first, “She would make a deal with him if he left her brother's, Jesus', soul alone.” Satan agreed but for her soul. She said, "For another's soul". The second one of Darkness told her that, “He would agree but he would choose the soul, and that she will regret this choice she made and try to rectify it.” What Asenat did not know was that the Darkness told Satan to get Judas’ (Cain’s) soul back to the Darkness and that was who Satan chosen.
Years later on she grew to love Judas. Then, she watched the crucifixion of her brother, Jesus. She saw Judas walking and wanted to talk to him to know why. She followed him up a hill to a cliff with a tree. When She saw what Judas was going to do she called out his name. He looked at her with sad eyes. Then he said, “I’m sorry”, as he began to start to hang himself. Asenat stared out at him, wondering how this happened. When she realized that the deal she made with Satan was a bad one.
Then, as Asenat rushed into action, she saw it was too late because Judas had hung himself. Asenat cried out and asked God to save Judas' soul because he was her mate, and that she loved him. God told her that he cannot save him from the Darkness. She told God that she would follow Judas into the darkness and find him again and that even her soul would go through time to find him. So, Heartbroken by the death of her brother, Jesus and her love and mate, Judas, Asenat walked to the edge of the cliff turned around and let herself lean back and fall. After She killed herself, Asenat found herself in the light in front of her brother, Jesus. Her Brother showed her the knowledge of the universe. When he did so, Jesus said, "You are now are one of the keepers to this knowledge." After Jesus said that, Asenat felt herself sent away from there to another place that was either back on earth or to start her journey in the shadows and darkness.
So, she has been looking lifetime to lifetime for Cain's/Judas' soul up to the present day. Today, Asenat remembers bits and pieces of her life then, but she had always, during this lifetime, remembered her love for Cain’s/Judas’ soul. Asenat’s present life’s nickname is Ally. So, Ally keeps in mind to get to know the one who holds the soul of them and love them as the person is today and not to keep the past foremost in her heart though she still looks. Ally lets love come her way and lives in the present every chance she gets. Though the past Ally remembers, she looks in the present and to the future for the day she can rest, be at peace, and be with her mate, whoever he may be now.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What the BLEEP Do We Know !? (Documentary)

Now distributed in over 30 countries, What the BLEEP Do We Know !? has stunned audiences with its revolutionary cinematic blend of dramatic film, documentary, animation and comedy, while serving up a mind-jarring blend of Quantum Physics, spirituality, neurology and evolutionary thought.

“To develop a complete mind. Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” -Leonardo da Vinci

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Quantum weirdness: What we call 'reality' is just a state of mind

A lifetime studying quantum mechanics has convinced Bernard d'Espagnat that the world we perceive is merely a shadow of the ultimate reality.

What quantum mechanics tells us, I believe, is surprising to say the least. It tells us that the basic components of objects – the particles, electrons, quarks etc. – cannot be thought of as "self-existent"The reality that they, and hence all objects, are components of is merely "empirical reality".

This reality is something that, while not a purely mind-made construct as radical idealism would have it, can be but the picture our mind forces us to form of ... Of what ? The only answer I am able to provide is that underlying this empirical reality is a mysterious, non-conceptualisable "ultimate reality", not embedded in space and (presumably) not in time either.

How did I arrive at this conclusion? My interest in the foundations of quantum physics developed at quite an early stage in my career, but I soon noticed that my elders deliberately brushed aside the problems the theory raised, which they considered not to be part of physics proper. It was only after I attained the status of a fully-fledged physicist that I ventured to take up the question personally.

To put it in a nutshell, in this quest I first found that whatever way you look at it the quantum mechanical formalism, when taken at face value, compels us to consider that two particles that have once interacted always remain bound in a very strange, hardly understandable way even when they are far apart, the connection being independent of distance.

Even though this connection-at-a-distance does not permit us to transmit messages, clearly it is real. In other words space, so essential in classical physics, seems to play a considerably less basic role in quantum physics.

I soon found out, as often happens, that these things had been known for quite a long time. Schrodinger had even given them a name: entanglement, and had claimed entanglement is essential. But strangely enough he had not really been listened to. Indeed he had been unheard to the extent that the very notion of "entanglement" was hardly mentioned in regular courses on quantum physics.

And in fact most physicists felt inclined to consider that, if not entanglement in general, at least the highly puzzling 'entanglement at a distance' was merely an oddity of the formalism, free of physical consequences and doomed to be removed sooner or later, just through improvements on the said formalism. At the time the general view was therefore that if any problems remained in that realm these problems were of a philosophical, not of a physical nature so that physicists had better keep aloof from them.

Are the objects we see just pale projections of quantum reality?

Two attendees look at a display of flat screen televisions at the Consumer Electronics Show. I believe that some of our most engrained notions about space and causality should be reconsidered. Anyone who takes quantum mechanics seriously will have reached the same conclusion.

I was not convinced I must say, and in the early sixties I wrote and published a book and some articles developing physical arguments that focused attention on such problems by showing that entanglement is truly something worth the physicist's attention.

And then a real breakthrough took place in that John Bell, a colleague of mine at Cern, published his famous inequalities, which - for the first time - opened a possibility of testing whether or not entanglement-at-a-distance had experimentally testable consequences.

The outcome confirmed my anticipations. Entanglement-at-a-distance does physically exist, in the sense that it has physically verifiable (and verified) consequences. Which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that some of our most engrained notions about space and causality should be reconsidered.

Bernard d'Espagnat is a theoretical physicist, philosopher and winner of the Templeton Prize 2009. He is the author of On Physics and Philosophy, Princeton University Press, 2006

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Hidden History Of The Human Race

Our history is not what we think! Over the past few thousand years, we have warped our own history. Our versions of the past has been mistranslated, changed, altered, and skewed to fit our understanding of reality, and completely left our many things that we cannot explain. Today, we are going to look at an alternate version of our history, a version that was recorded across many ancient tablets and artifacts throughout time, which have only recently been uncovered. This story may be a little cosmic, it may not even be true, but you will have to decide that for yourself.

Michael Cremo is interviewed about his archeological discoveries and the cover up of the scientific community. Cremo gives several examples of archeological evidence that has been suppressed by the establishment in the name of "scientific conformity". His books include 'The Hidden History Of The Human Race' and 'Forbidden Archeology'.

Michael Cremo is a member of the World Archeological Congress and the European Association of Archaeologists as well as an associate member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute specializing in history and philosophy of science.

“Looking at the possibility that there were previous advanced civilizations on Earth, modern buildings made of steel and glass will not last over vast periods of time. However, ancient stone structures, like the pyramids, remain intact to this day. So, I think we have to ask, who's really more advanced?” -Michael Cremo

“There is evidence that humans were present before, during, and after the age of the dinosaurs. Human footprints alongside dinosaur footprints found in Texas and a modern human skeleton found in a 300 million-year-old layer of slate rock in Illinois.” -Michael Cremo

“They are discovering evidence all over the world, up to the present moment findings that suggest 'modern' humans existed in ancient times. Recent reports of footprints from Kenya match the contemporary human foot, found in layers of rock about 1.5 million years old. Unfortunately, instead of acknowledging the amazing find for what it is, scientists have tried to fit it into pre-conceived notions of human evolution. This is a perfect example of how this knowledge filtering process works.” -Michael Cremo

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Harness and Develop Your Intuition

What is Intuition?
Intuition is a sudden flash, an internal knowing, a glimpse or vision of truth, a sensation that runs through your body telling you that something is or isn’t right even though your rationale may suggest otherwise. It’s your gut instinct or that time you walked into a room and thought ‘you could cut the atmosphere with a knife’ and yet have no factual information to make you think that. When used correctly it is your most accurate inner radar system, continually scanning your inner and outer environments, sending back messages. Your intuition informs you of what is taking place and enables you to instantly make sense of the huge amount of information that continually flows within and around you.
“The only real valuable thing is intuition.” Albert Einstein
Intuition is a way of accessing the inherent power of your brain. Your consciousness only uses a tiny proportion of your brainpower and your intuition accesses the residual power and communicates to your consciousness the bank of wisdom and knowledge it has available. This is done subtly through thoughts, feelings, sensations, images, sounds or any combination of them. We are all endowed with this insight and inner guidance system and often we just need to learn the techniques to connect to and trust it so it becomes a skill. Just as animals have a natural survival instinct so humans are born with the natural ability to be intuitive; your human instinct. Without realising it, you are taking in information around you at this very moment. Your intuition takes it in for storing until a time when it is required and needs to be accessed. At that point you will ‘just know’ the way forward although if asked you may be unable to express how ‘you know.’
So we are all intuitive, yet not everyone realises this or is open to the intuitive messages that their body gives to them. Have you ever had a situation when you had a gut feeling or instinct of some kind about the right decision or course of action? Instead of listening to that message you rationalised and took a different option only to find that events panned out such that had you taken your first instinct you would have achieved the desired outcome. You may even have ended up going back to your original idea. That was your intuition guiding you in the direction that is right for you, at that time.
What are the benefits of using intuition?
Accessing your intuition will help you in making the right decisions for you. It can be used in highly practical ways to produce sensible and reliable information and to enhance your decision making in both your professional and your personal life. It also gives you quick access to options that rest outside of the confines of rational thought. Examples of intuition being used are scattered everywhere in many different situations by many different people; doctors to diagnose, investors to forecast share prices, lawyers to develop courtroom strategies, parent’s with their children and successful leaders in how they choose to relate to people. In fact whenever someone talks about using their gut instincts, taking a leap of faith or similar it is their intuition that has sprung into action.
Those practiced users of intuition walk through life with the knowledge and ability to instantly tap into a limitless source of guidance and wisdom. They have the answers to the most perplexing questions and receive clarity about any issue or situation they may be grappling with. A life you could have too if you worked on using and learning about your intuition.
How do I develop my Intuition?
Everyone has this powerful ‘inner software’ that is able to scan, assess, make sense of and obtain the ‘bottom line’ of any situation, issue or condition we may be facing! Most of us are walking around with this valuable ‘software’ intact and no clue how to use it! Discovering that innate ability can be similar to rediscovering lost information, clarifying unknowns or predicting outcomes. Each person’s intuition works personally and is unique to them in how it manifests. In most cases people are using intuition already and just need to bring it to conscious awareness to begin moving their level of technique forwards.
You develop your intuition through practice. It may help to first acknowledge the times you already use it. For example how did you know a present was just right for someone or that you had left the house and ‘forgotten’ something? Through exercises you can advance at the pace that suits you.
Getting practical – Exercises in developing your intuition
This is a great exercise to help you to activate and connect with your own intuition. Start by choosing 5 people in your life – from the past or present:

  • Someone you adore
  • Someone you find really good fun
  • Someone who you find uninteresting
  • Someone who has upset you
  • Someone who has brought happiness or something good to your life

  • Take each person individually and spend a few minutes picturing them in your mind, imagine talking to them and think about your experiences together. Pay particular attention to:
    • How you are replaying these memories and how they make you feel
    • Notice where the sensations are in your body and really tap into the feelings this person creates when they are near you
    • Are there any emotions present? You should try to categorize them as best you can. For example, rather than just feeling ‘good’, ask yourself is this feeling joy, love, happiness, excitement? This will help you better recognise the feeling in the future
    • Are there any physical reactions associated: are you automatically smiling? What is your physiology like? Any areas of your body tingling or feeling more relaxed or tense? Do you feel heavy or light?
    Capture anything that comes to mind as you work on increasing the awareness of how your body feels when you think of each person, this is the first stage of connecting with your intuition. The next step is to practice it. The next time you are in a room full of people just scan the room and allow your impressions to guide you and consider:
    • Who are you drawn to?
    • What do you feel?
    • Who do you feel wary of?
    Simply take the impressions and trust them. Use your intuition to pickup peoples vibrations compared to your own, their inner being and what you need to know about them to help you decide how to interact with them.
    Once you have switched on your intuitive antennae you can keep a track of the signals they give you and build a strong sense of what they mean for you. What you are actually picking up are the subtle vibrations and energies that everything emits. After a while, using your antennae will become second nature, a process out of consciousness again and you will easily make use of the latent power within your own mind as you develop in all areas of life.
    About the Author
    This article was brought to you by LifeSource International where we have merged proven, successful, traditional techniques with the most powerful and cutting-edge tools to create the most comprehensive and immersive personal development community online. Start using your inner power today – your LifeSource.

    Saturday, May 4, 2013

    The Intelligent Heart - Institute of HeartMath

    The human heart emits the strongest electromagnetic field in our body. The heart's electromagnetic field is five thousand times stronger than the brain's electromagnetic field. This electromagnetic field envelops the entire body extending out in all directions, and it can be measured up to several feet outside of the body. Research shows that as we consciously focus on feeling a positive emotion it has a beneficial effect on our own health and well-being, and can have a positive affect on those around us.

    “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” -Aristotle (384-322 BC)

    The Institute of HeartMath (IHM) Research Center is an internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives. Personal coherence, also known as psychophysiological coherence, refers to the synchronization of our physical, mental and emotional systems. It can be measured by our heart-rhythm patterns: The more balanced and smooth they are, the more in sync, or coherent, we are.

    For over 22 years, Gregg Braden has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. Combining his discoveries with the best science of today, his original research crosses the traditional boundaries of science, history, and religion offering fresh insights into ancient mysteries.
    Thoughts empowered by a coherent Heart are thousands of times more powerful than thoughts energized by an incoherent heart. It's not about marching in the streets, writing lots of books, or making lots of money to influence the world. Energize your thoughts with a coherent Heart - develop a Mind with Heart - change the world.

    Monday, April 29, 2013

    Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection Introduction

    There are tons of useful and well-known methods to achieving Lucid Dreams, but what many people don't know is thatif you don't live a healthy lifestyle these methods will never work to their full potential.

    These 7 useful tips will give you a fresh perspective to the world of Lucid Dreaming. Whether you have years of experience or are a new aspiring dreamer, this post will help you.

    Here are just a few of the benefits you'll get:
    • Dream recall will improve; dreams will become more vivid
    • Falling asleep will become easier; helps with insomnia
    • Lucid Living will come easily and naturally
    • WILD will become easier
    • Overall amount of LD's will greatly increase
    • Results in feeling healthier and revived during the day
    • All methods are FREE
    Before we begin, here's a small amount of background research; do NOT skip over this section, as it is important to some of the tips below. Please note that everything in this article can be backed up with scientific research and reasoning. No guesswork is involved.

    The Pineal Gland, Melatonin, and it's Effect on Sleep

    Deep inside the brain there is a tiny pine-shaped organ called the pineal gland. The pineal gland serves many purposes, one of which is to produce a hormone called melatonin.

    Melatonin works to communicate information about environmental lighting to different parts of the body. In other words, it acts as the body's internal clock; it helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle. It promotes awareness during the day and reduces the amount of time it takes to fall asleep during the night.

    It also affects the quality of dreams. High levels of melatonin lead to vivid dreams and high quality sleep, while lower levels lead to trouble sleeping, insomnia, poor quality dreams, and often even mood disorders due to the chemical imbalance.

    Speaking in lucid dreaming terms, 'vivid' means more lifelike, easier to recall, and naturally the dreamer is more aware of the dream. The more vivid the dream is,the easier it is to obtain lucidity.

    Therefore one of the best ways to increase the chances of having lucid dreams is to increase the body's melatonin levels. Now that you have this handy piece of information, you will be able to understand how you can ultimately impact the success of your lucid dreaming life with a few simple easy steps:

    1. Have a consistent sleep schedule.

    This is a pretty obvious one. Going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time every day is what sets your 'body clock' (aka melatonin). You know how sometimes you wake up 5 minutes before your alarm rings? That's your melatonin in action. But it cannot function if you do not have a consistent sleep schedule. This internal 'clock' is used in many lucid dreaming methods.

    2. Sleep in complete darkness.

    Scientific research shows that your melatonin levels are the highest at night while sleeping in complete darkness, around the time that you dream. This promotes vivid dreams and better dream recall. In the ideal situation, there should be no difference in darkness when you open your eyes compared to when you close them. Sleeping with a light on decreases the quality of dreams and messes up your internal clock as it brings down the melatonin level in your body. Don't let light pollution ruin your dreams for you!

    3. Limit your time spent with electronics.

    The bright light of a computer can burn up your melatonin levels if you spend too much time in front of one. Don't spend more than 5 hours on your computer each day. Also the electromagnetic fields of cell phones, televisions, and computers can burn up your melatonin levels. Limit your time on your phone and do not sleep with your computer or TV too close to you.

    4. Recall earlier events from the day.

    This is a great and fun thing to do while lying in bed before you fall asleep. Think back to the very beginning of the day and recall as many details as you can. What colour was that car that was parked on the side of the road? Who was your cashier at the grocery store? What colour was his/her eyes? Were you paying attention or did you just worry about buying your food? Go through the entire day and remember as much as you can. Doing this every night will encourage you to subconsciously increase your awareness levels. Before you know it, you will be practicing lucid living with no effort at all!

    5. Massage your scalp before you go to bed.

    I know this sounds like a weird one but it is actually very relaxing and is wonderful for your health and lucid dreaming. When you massage your scalp, you release endorphins and serotonin. The endorphins give you a relaxing sensation that will help you fall asleep faster. Serotonin is used to create melatonin, so naturally the more serotonin you produce the more melatonin you produce. Melatonin leads to more vivid dreams, which means a higher chance of becoming lucid. Scalp massages are great to do before WILD, during WBTB, and before you go to sleep at night. If you Google scalp massaging techniques you should come up with a fair few.

    6. Learn to recognize dream signs before they appear in your dreams.

    Yes, this is possible. The subconscious mind works based off of the conscious mind, so if you continuously feed in information about a certain topic there is a high chance it will appear in your dreams. Before it starts appearing in your dreams, there's a good chance it will have appeared in your daydreams as well. Think really hard... Is there something you are incredibly passionate about that you think about very often? When you daydream, does a certain topic float into your mind frequently? When you relax and allow your mind to wander, how often does that topic effortlessly float in? If you can nail a specific topic, use it as a dream sign.

    7. Eat lucid foods. Yes, they do exist!

    There are certain foods that increase the production of melatonin, therefore making lucidity more attainable. Did you know that eating a teaspoon of mustard before bed actually does increase your chances of getting lucid? Making these foods a part of your everyday diet will help increase your chances of having a lucid dream. Below is a list of lucid foods and how much melatonin is in them (measured in nano grams).

    Foods that Contain Melatonin:
    • White mustard (378 ng/tsp)
    • Black mustard (258 ng/tsp)
    • Almonds (39 ng/g)
    • Sunflower seeds (29 ng/g)
    • Cherries (15 ng/g)
    • Flax seeds (12 ng/g)
    • Oats (1.8 ng/g)
    • Rice, red radishes, poppy seeds, tomatoes, bananas (0.5 to 1 ng/g)

    Other lucid-friendly foods include milk, yogurt, eggs, fish (especially cod and tuna), broccoli, sweet potatoes, mushrooms and lentils. These foods not only contain vitamin B5 (a coenzyme acid that is essential for the synthesis of melatonin), they also contain tryptophan. Tryptophan is converted into serotonin, which is later converted into melatonin.

    Using these methods does not guarantee instant lucid dreams every night, but you will definitely have a greater chance at becoming lucid and probably have lucid dreams more frequently than you did before. Plus, not only will these tips give you a larger chance of becoming lucid, they will also make you healthier and happier in your day-to-day life.

    This video is a sleep aid to a persons natural 90 minute sleep cycle. The first hour puts you in a calm and healing deep sleep while the last 30 minutes help transition your brain into REM sleep and induce a lucid dream.

    The first hour contains ONLY binaural beats and natural rain sounds. The last half hour includes ambient music, natural wind sounds, binaural beats, and vocals suggesting you are in a dream.

    Before starting it might help that you fast forward to the last half hour and check to make sure the volume is set right for you to be sleeping.
    “I awake to my own dream and dream that I'm awake. I take what I've been given must now give what they would take. I accept that you are different the difference is that I accept. Your difference is my teacher your dreams are my regret.

    I venture through the chaos because the chaos is my venture. If order comes whats done is done compassion is still my center. We journey towards the light the light becomes our journey. When dark meets light then life takes flight a prelude to the great turning.

    We see that we are one now oneness is the new perspective. When wisdom dawns the dream will spawn a light that is self reflective. I dreamed the center was everywhere and everywhere there was a center. Dropped to my knees and gave thanks to thee necessity the mother inventor.” -Vito Santana

    Friday, April 26, 2013

    The Man Prayer -- For Our Knights Of Avalon

    The Man Prayer -- For Our Knights Of Avalon

    "May I be a man . . . .
    Whose confidence comes from the depth of my giving.
    Who understands that vulnerability is my greatest strength.
    Who creates space rather than dominates it.
    Who appreciates listening more than knowing.
    Who seeks kindness over control.
    Who cries when the grief is too much.
    Who refuses the slap, the gun, the choke, the insult, the punch.
    May I not be afraid to get lost.
    May I cherish touch more than performance.
    And the experience more than getting there.
    May I move slowly, not abruptly.
    May I be brave enough to share my fear and shame,
    and gather the other men to do the same.
    May I stop pretending and open the parts of me that have long been numb.
    May I cherish, respect, and love my mother,
    and may the resonance of that love translate into loving all women, and all living things."

    Monday, April 22, 2013


    History of Medicine Fact #8: U.S. water fluoridation began in 1945 and continues today, despite the fact that the FDA has never approved itby S. D. Wells
    (NaturalNews) The year before water fluoridation began in the United States, the entire dental profession recognized that fluoride was detrimental to dental health. In fact, in 1944 the Journal of the American Dental Association reported that using between 1.6 and 4 ppm (parts per million) fluoride in water would cause 50% of adults to need false teeth. On top of that, the world’s largest study looked at 400,000 students, revealing that tooth decay increased in over 25% with just 1ppm fluoride in drinking water. (
    Yet still, in 1945, fluoride was put into municipal water systems in Newburgh, New York, and Grand Rapids, Michigan. Over the next 50 years, more than 60 percent of the U.S. population was “fluoridated” at a minimum of 1 ppm. Currently, over 75% of the United States water supply contains this deadly toxin.
    One part of the hoax, “fluoride helps with tooth formation,” was removed from the “American Fluoride Campaign” early on. Realizing this might expose the entire campaign as fraudulent, the FDA and CDC simply removed that language, but kept the masses believing that fluoride keeps dental cavities at bay.
    Over 70% of America still clings to the multi-faceted myth
    Research proves that fluoride is an extremely neurotoxic chemical which interrupts basic functions of nerve cells in the brain and can lead to Alzheimer’s, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), infertility, birth defects, diabetes, cancer and lowered IQ. The aluminum “tricks” the blood-brain barrier and allows chemical access to brain tissue.
    Think fluoride is used by the rest of the world? France, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Finland, India and Great Britain have all rejected its use after special commissions and health secretaries reviewed the negative evidence.
    Think fluoride cleanses the water? Fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in military nerve gas. Sodium fluoride is a hazardous waste by-product from the manufacture of aluminum and fertilizer, and it is a common ingredient in roach and rat poisons.
    Think fluoride fights cavities and strengthens bones? Dental fluorosis is often caused by over-exposure to fluoride when the dental enamel is mineralizing during childhood. Fluoride is unique in its ability among acids to penetrate tissue, causing soft tissue damage and bone erosion as it leaches calcium and magnesium from the body. (
    Think fluoride evaporates from water? Fluoride does not evaporate from water left sitting out. Also,boiling or freezing won’t help at all, and basic filters like Brita do not remove it. Reverse osmosis does remove it, and natural spring water does not contain it.
    Because the ADA maintains a stranglehold on the dental profession, no dentists are ever openly critical of fluoride. The ADA can influence State Dental Boards which can take away a dentist’s license, so you won’t hear anything negative about it from your dentist. Most brands of toothpaste contain at least 1,000 ppm fluoride, so if a child were to eat an entire tube, he/she would die.
    Fluoride has never received FDA approval and does not meet “requirements of safety and effectiveness.” The FDA states that fluoride is a prescription drug. Because this “drug” is put in municipal water, there is absolutely no control over individual dosage.
    So, why on earth would the USA’s regulatory agencies allow such a nightmare to perpetuate? In the early 1900′s, when important vitamins (like B12) were discovered and natural remedies became popular, medicine was basically unprofitable. Fluoridation was a planned experiment of mass medication to induce diseases that would later be “treated” with expensive healthcare, and that is why government paid healthcare in America is nothing but a pipe dream.
    Learn more about the true history of modern medicine in this revealing report. Free downloadable PDF. Covers Nazi connections with Big Pharma, war crimes of Bayer, the weapons origins of prescription medications, the shocking history of psychiatric medicine and much more.
    Sources for this article include:

    Guess which human body part stumped da Vinci? | MNN - Mother Nature Network

    Guess which human body part stumped da Vinci? | MNN - Mother Nature Network

    Physicists Find Evidence That The Universe Is A 'Giant Brain'

    The idea of the universe as a 'giant brain' has been proposed by scientists - and science fiction writers - for decades.
    But now physicists say there may be some evidence that it's actually true. In a sense.

    According to a study published in Nature's Scientific Reports, the universe may be growing in the same way as a giant brain - with the electrical firing between brain cells 'mirrored' by the shape of expanding galaxies.

    The results of a computer simulation suggest that "natural growth dynamics" - the way that systems evolve - are the same for different kinds of networks - whether it's the internet, the human brain or the universe as a whole.

    A co-author of the study, Dmitri Krioukov from the University of California San Diego, said that while such systems appear very different, they have evolved in very similar ways.

    The result, they argue, is that the universe really does grow like a brain.

    The study raises profound questions about how the universe works, Krioukov said.

    "For a physicist it's an immediate signal that there is some missing understanding of how nature works," he told The team's simulation modeled the very early life of the universe, shortly after the big bang, by looking at how quantum units of space-time smaller than subatomic particles 'networked' with each other as the universe grew.

    They found that the simulation mirrored that of other networks. Some links between similar nodes resulted in limited growth, while others acted as junctions for many different connections. For instance, some connections are limited and similar - like a person who likes sports visiting many other sports websites - and some are major and connect to many other parts of the network, like Google and Yahoo.

    No, it doesn't quite mean that the universe is 'thinking' - but as has been previously pointed out online, it might just mean there's more similarity between the very small and the very large than first appearances suggest.

    Sunday, April 21, 2013

    How precious the earth is!

    When you train yourself to hear the voice of God in everything, you attain the quintessence of the human spirit. Usually the mind conceals the divine thoroughly by imagining that there is a separate mental power that constructs the mental images. But by training yourself to hear the voice of God in everything, the voice reveals itself to your mind as well. Then the right in mind, you discover revelation.

    Daniel C Matt: The Essential Kabbalah: The Heart of Jewish Mysticism
    "The world was created with ten utterances. But could God not have created her with a single utterance? Rather, it is to teach you how precious the earth is, and how much reward for those who cherish her and how great the consequences for those who abuse her"
    -- Babylonian Talmud, Avot 5:1

    Thursday, April 18, 2013

    Kingdom Found, Beauty Crowned

    Kingdom Found, Beauty Crowned

    The following is an original interpretation of the above and below
    from Greek genos: race, offspring and from Latin domini: property, lord

    It is the realm, field, sphere, or land
    Your kingdom is YOUR ALL

    It is your entire physical reality... your body...
    brothers/sisters ... animals... plants... planets... your universe... your ALL

    Your kingdom is that you are all


    from Latin fundatus: to lay the groundwork for

    It is the basis on which a thing stands, is founded, or is supported
    Your foundation is YOU

    It is your entire history... your life up to the present moment.... and onwards to the future...
    every space... every time... every thought... every emotion... all YOU

    Your foundation is that you are here right now


    from Latin major: great

    It is the glory, the splendor, the epic drama
    Your majesty is YOUR MIND

    It is your entire concept of intellectuality... your perspective...
    ideas... impressions... language... symbols... learnings... your MIND

    Your majesty is that you are mind

    from Latin victor: to conquer

    It is the triumph, the superior, the conquering
    Your victory is YOUR EMOTION

    It is your entire concept of feelings... your passions... desires...
    joy... love... sorrow... hate... anger... sentiments... your EMOTION

    Your victory is that you are emotion

    Mind and Emotion are absolutely essential to your Foundation (past and future)

    Your thoughts and emotions are your reflection
    You reflect on your foundation and your kingdom

    Your foundation is your actual identity, the here and now for you
    Your kingdom is your actual reality, the here and now for all

    Crown is Kingdom... Kingdom in Crown... As Above, So Below

    Crown your Kingdom... do... act... will...
    speak... touch... participate... interact... co-create... build... shine!

    Listen to emotions before you listen to your mind
    Emotions conquer you... Thoughts glorify you
    Your emotional state is truth... Your mental state half-truth..
    however, like the mind, emotions can run away on you

    Balance your Foundation with Self Glory and Self Defeat

    Unite your Foundation with your Kingdom

    Wear the Crown of Beauty by DOING