Thursday, May 28, 2015

The pineal gland is a pine cone resembling crystal in the center of your brain.

Scientifically, it is the gland that produces sleep phases by creating the hormone melatonin.  It is often called the third eye, and rightfully so.  The pineal gland has much to offer when it comes to creativity, insight, intuition and thought.  It is located inside of the deep center of the brain, lying in-between the two hemispheres.  Ancient civilizations knew of the pineal gland, and believed that it was the “third eye”, seeing beyond space and time.  In metaphysics, it is referred to as the 6th Chakra; home of the concept of “6th sense”; related to prophecy, revelation and vision.
The pineal gland is activated by light.  You can feel a sensation in the back of your head, when it is stimulated.  The Egyptians loved the pineal gland.  They drew it on walls, they wrote about it, and created statues of it.