Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cain's Soul and Asenat's Love

Cain was Adam's first son. His name means in Hebrew “acquired.” Indeed, He did acquire two things in his life. Cain acquired a holy daughter of God’s/the Creator’s love, and God’s/the Creator’s protection from physical harm. This story will tell of Cain’s, and his first reincarnation’s, which was Judas’, life, and the daughter’s love for the beings who carried his soul in addition to how her own soul and heart followed that soul for many lifetimes to the present.
Cain was the first fallen and taken in by the Darkness for slaying his brother, Abel. But, Asenat, before this was her name, in her spirit form called out to God/the Creator, her father to save him. God/the Creator could not save all of Cain, but God/the creator saved Cain’s heart and some of his soul from being consumed by the Darkness by giving Cain a sign to protect. The sign was a mark of a fish on his head and a mark of water above his eyes as barriers against physical harm and for others to know that Cain was protected. After sometime, Cain died from a fever from eating a poisonous plant which its name was lost to time.
After he died, Cain's soul went forward in time and Cain was reincarnated as Judas. Judas’ life as Cain forgotten, but his heart and soul sought to right that wrong of the past. There were only three that knew what it was. They were Cain’s/Judas’ soul and heart, God/the Creator, and Asenat’s heart and soul. Unknowingly, he was led to Jesus by God/the Creator and there met Jesus' sister, Asenat. Her name means "devoted to the goddess Neith" and she was an enlightened one indeed. ? was younger than Jesus, but still around the same age as him. 
When Jesus went into the desert, she went with him. Asenat watched patiently as Satan tempted her brother each day they were in the desert. Until on the last day, she could not take it anymore and called out to Satan. Asenat told Satan, who was once Lucifer, the second fallen one of Darkness because Cain was the first, “She would make a deal with him if he left her brother's, Jesus', soul alone.” Satan agreed but for her soul. She said, "For another's soul". The second one of Darkness told her that, “He would agree but he would choose the soul, and that she will regret this choice she made and try to rectify it.” What Asenat did not know was that the Darkness told Satan to get Judas’ (Cain’s) soul back to the Darkness and that was who Satan chosen.
Years later on she grew to love Judas. Then, she watched the crucifixion of her brother, Jesus. She saw Judas walking and wanted to talk to him to know why. She followed him up a hill to a cliff with a tree. When She saw what Judas was going to do she called out his name. He looked at her with sad eyes. Then he said, “I’m sorry”, as he began to start to hang himself. Asenat stared out at him, wondering how this happened. When she realized that the deal she made with Satan was a bad one.
Then, as Asenat rushed into action, she saw it was too late because Judas had hung himself. Asenat cried out and asked God to save Judas' soul because he was her mate, and that she loved him. God told her that he cannot save him from the Darkness. She told God that she would follow Judas into the darkness and find him again and that even her soul would go through time to find him. So, Heartbroken by the death of her brother, Jesus and her love and mate, Judas, Asenat walked to the edge of the cliff turned around and let herself lean back and fall. After She killed herself, Asenat found herself in the light in front of her brother, Jesus. Her Brother showed her the knowledge of the universe. When he did so, Jesus said, "You are now are one of the keepers to this knowledge." After Jesus said that, Asenat felt herself sent away from there to another place that was either back on earth or to start her journey in the shadows and darkness.
So, she has been looking lifetime to lifetime for Cain's/Judas' soul up to the present day. Today, Asenat remembers bits and pieces of her life then, but she had always, during this lifetime, remembered her love for Cain’s/Judas’ soul. Asenat’s present life’s nickname is Ally. So, Ally keeps in mind to get to know the one who holds the soul of them and love them as the person is today and not to keep the past foremost in her heart though she still looks. Ally lets love come her way and lives in the present every chance she gets. Though the past Ally remembers, she looks in the present and to the future for the day she can rest, be at peace, and be with her mate, whoever he may be now.